There were many struggles and hindrances along the way to get to India. We left Florence, MS on Monday morning at 6:00 headed to India, and we made it to India. We finally arrived at 4 a.m. on Thursday morning. We have worked hard at discovering and building relationships. We have been able to share the Gospel in depth with several Muslims. We were able to sit down tonight with the Muslim Imam and answer his questions and misconceptions about Christianity. We were able to present the Gospel to him from several different angles. As we were presenting the Gospel to him, about 20 Muslim young men had us completed surrounded listening intently and very silently to every word. They were hungry!
After the Imam walked away from our hour long debate, we were able to give out six Bibles in Malayalam to the young men who have walked with us all week. We gave away 2 MP3 players with the New Testament on them. We also distributed to each one a couple of tracts written to enlighten Muslims about the Truth of Christianity. J. Shorter and S. Roberson went to another nursing school tonight to share. They also were able to give a lady they befriended at a local dress shop one of the MP3 players.
The Word of God has been proclaimed. The Word of God has been distributed. The seeds have been planted. Pray that God will bring someone along to water them. Pray that the seeds will take root, sprout, and grow to bear much fruit. We prayed that God would bring out the man of peace. We believe that it is highly likely that the man of peace is among those guys that we spent the majority of the week with....guys that we did not know Thursday, but guys that we got to know since Thursday. Pray that God would speak very clearly to their hearts, that they will find the truth, that they will meet Christ, and that they will be the ones who reach the Mapilla people for Christ.
God is Sovereign. His Word will not return void. It has been a challenging, difficult, and sometimes uncomfortable journey, but it is our prayer that it will prove to be the beginning of a harvest among the unreached, unengaged Mapilla people of Calicut, India.

To the left you see the weapons of our warfare tonight: 6 Malayalam Bibles, 2 New Testaments on MP3 players, and about 50 tracts that discuss the validity of the Gospels and the fact that the Word did become flesh and His Name was Jesus.
To the right you see us with the Muslim Imam
we got to share with for over an hour. Pray that God will stir in his heart a desire to know the truth about God.
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