
Saturday, February 15, 2014

February News

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

I have several things for you to pray for if you don’t mind.

 The Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic training is rapidly approaching and I covet your prayers.  I also want to ask you to pray for pastor Gene Pickern today as he and 9 others from Alabama make their way down to the Dominican in order to pray, preach, and share the gospel door to door.  If you would be willing to pray for them throughout their journey here is the schedule:

 Sunday they will be in San Cristobal praying, sharing the gospel, and engaging in an open air evangelistic service in the streets.

2.  Monday they will be in Los Frailes doing the same.

3.  Tues through Thursday they will be in Palmarejo praying, sharing the gospel, and engaging in an open air evangelistic service in the streets on Thursay night.

4.  Friday they will be traveling to an undisclosed area where we have never worked before doing the same thing:  praying, sharing, and preaching.

5.  Saturday the 9 team members will be returning home and Gene will be resting up for me to arrive late Monday night. We will hit the ground running Tuesday until the next Thursday working with pastors and leaders.  Please pray for all of these efforts!

II.  The Gospel Documentary Project (Oblivious)

Please pray for our work on the Oblivious documentary.  The tracts are ordered.  We plan to go Monday to share the gospel and get more interviews.  The work book is in process.  Please pray for us that we can get it all done by April God willing!

III. The Underground Men’s Conference

Please pray for and plan to attend the Underground Men’s Conference April 11-12.  Registration is $50 for adult men and $25 for sons 12 and up.  We will be meeting at Faithview Baptist Church just outside of Clinton, MS (we will be posting directions and registration instructions on the website soon).  We are trying to negotiate discounted rates for lodging in Clinton for those of you who need lodging. It is also possible that some of our church members would be willing to open their homes to guests if that would be better for some of you.  Please pray for this and put it on your calendar.  It is going to be a great and challenging time.

IV.  New Website and developments

Please pray for the work on the new website to continue smoothly and quickly.  We are re-working the entire website in order to accommodate regular sermons from me as well as some brand new ministry partnerships that will be announced next March.  God is doing some big things in and through Mission Surge and it is hard to keep up with Him!  Pray that He would continue to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ever ask or imagine!

V. Finally, I am composing a number of quotes and notes from missionary John G. Paton's autobiography that are absolutely convicting, challenging, and amazing!  They will be going out on my blog regularly after I return from the DR.  If you want to keep up with these quotes and notes please go follow my blog if you don't already do so at 

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If want to be removed from this newsletter, please respond.  I will understand!

We covet your prayers.  We appreciate your prayers.  We appreciate your sacrificial gifts and offerings that help us accomplish all that God is leading us to do.  You are a vital part of this effort and we pray that God would bless you all abundantly.  

In Christ,

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