
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Underground Men's Conference

I am excited to announce our first Underground Men’s Conference to be held on Friday April 11 and Saturday April 12 in the Jackson, MS area.  It is our goal this year in the conference to contrast professing Christians in America with professing Christians in North Korea.  This is going to be an in your face look at the church in North Korea followed by an in the mirror look at ourselves!  We want to invite and encourage all men and their sons 12 and older to attend this event.   

We will have with us Tim Dillmuth from Seoul USA as one of our speakers.  You will not want to miss what he has to share about North Korea.  There will also be some powerful videos, break-out sessions, and materials available.  If it is your desire to be challenged, awakened, and shaken up by God FOR God and His Kingdom, this is going to be a weekend that you will not want to miss.  Please go ahead and pencil it in on your calendar and plan to attend:  April 11-12, 2014.

We will be announcing the venue, along with details about lodging, food, schedule, and cost in the very near future!  For now, know that we will be kicking off on Friday night, April 11 at 6 p.m. and concluding on Saturday night, April 12, at 8 p.m.  Please put these dates on your calendar and spread the word to the men in your circle of influence. 

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