
Wednesday, January 15, 2014


We are full speed ahead in our efforts to make our first ever documentary at Mission Surge.  We are calling it “Oblivious” because it is our fear that many people in the buckle of the Bible belt are oblivious to the biblical gospel.  This is an extensive project and I am super-excited about it! 

I am excited because of….

            1.  The materials.  The project consists of high quality DVD footage gathered from questioning normal folks on the streets of the Bible belt about the gospel.  Following the interviews, the biblical gospel is unfolded clearly and concisely.  We hope this is a tool to clarify the Gospel for those who may be confused and awaken those who have a false sense of assurance.  Along with the DVD documentary, there is an audio CD of a sermon that I preached defining the Gospel (in a more lengthy format) from John 3:16.  There is also a Gospel tract that can be used for outreach/mass distribution, and a book that goes even deeper into the Gospel and how we can respond to it biblically.  At the end of the book is a tool to help diagnose one’s spiritual condition in light of the Gospel.  All of this material is being designed to be used as a tool for evangelism and discipleship.

            2.  The possibilities.  I am excited because this material could be used in small groups, evangelism training, and outreach efforts.  We hope to be able to make available these products for mass distribution.  Furthermore, this project is the first step in an 8 part discipleship series that we are putting together that individuals, small groups, and churches could utilize to make solid disciples of Christ (hopefully available by the end of 2014).

            3.  The costs.  I am excited because the production costs have been kept to a minimum.  The project is going to cost Mission Surge only $2500-3000 to produce thanks to the highly discounted rates given.  I am not only excited about the production costs, but also the cost of the materials for those who want to utilize it.  Like everything we do at Mission Surge, we want to offer this material FREE OF CHARGE!  That is correct.  Everything we produce is free.  We just ask you, if you are able, to make a gift to Mission Surge in order to help us re-produce the material so that we can keep making it available to others. 

We are in the process this week of completing the on-the-street interviews for the documentary.  Please pray that God blesses the efforts of an introvert out of his comfort zone!  The gospel tract is written and waiting to be published.  The book is in process, and the sermon is already recorded.  We hope to be able to release this entire outreach project in April!  Please pray for this endeavor.  If you feel led to invest in this effort by giving financially we would greatly appreciate it.   Just mail your tax deductible gift to:

Mission Surge
c/o Kevin Ivy
1126 Tanyard Road
Crystal Springs, MS 39059

We believe this product is going to be extremely helpful in attempting to communicate and spread the gospel here in the buckle of the Bible belt and beyond.  Please pray!  And thank you for your support of this ministry.  We are truly grateful to you for your faithfulness and pray that God would bless you and do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ever ask or imagine.

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