
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Home Stretch: The Beginning of the Journey to Kozhikode India

This blog entry is one gigantic prayer request. I would ask you to please forward this blog to EVERYONE in your email inbox and then ask them to forward it to everyone in their inbox and so on and so on until it gets into the hands of 10's of 1000's of people who will pray. Also, if you would like to keep up and pray with us along this journey over the next 2 weeks, subscribe to this blog and encourage your contacts to do the same. Here is the deal...

Me and five others leave Jackson Monday morning to begin a long journey to the southern part of India. We are going to an unreached people group called the Mapilla. They are a group of over 10 million muslims who have no missionary, no church, and no Gospel witness. They are lost and without Christ. They are hard to the Gospel. The International Mission Board is having to fly a missionary in to Calicut to meet us. That is how alone and unreached these people are. If anything is to be accomplished there, there must be prayer, prayer, prayer.

I want to encourage you to pray for several things.

1. Pray that the Mapilla people will begin to have their eyes opened and their hearts softened so that they will be open and responsive to the Gospel. There are numerous reports of unreached Muslims having dreams and visions of Jesus and of mission teams bringing them the truth. It is my prayer that some of these Muslims have had dreams and visions that prepare them for our arrival with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray that the Mapilla will begin having visions and dreams and that their hearst will be softened and prepared for the Gospel.

2. Pray for our safety and the safety of our families as we are gone. Pray that we will all walk very closely with God from this point on, and throughout the entire trip. Pray that we will be discerning, wise, and anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit to be used mightily of Him for His glory.

3. Pray for the power of Satan to be bound. I was talking with a church member today who was remembering the week leading up to her mission trip to the Dominican Republic. It was a rough week and it seemed that Satan tried every way he could to crush her spirits. It seems that Satan definitely works hard to disrupt the work of God. He is sticking his ugly head up everywhere I turn lately it seems. He is raking me over the coals as I try to prepare my heart and mind to go.

The mission team met to pray Monday and we prayed that the strongholds that Satan has among this people would begin to fall and that he would begin to open their eyes, soften their hearts, and open their ears so that when we arrive they will be able to hear and receive the Word of God. Little did we know that Satan is not only working among this people group, but he was going to work full force among us here in the U.S.A. This is part of what prompted the blog entry last night. If you didn't read it, go back to the archives and read it. We are too naive to realize when Satan is using us, attacking us, influencing us, and hindering the work of God through us. God, help us NOT be an instrument of Satan to hinder and thwart the work of God. Help us oh God, to guard our hearts and minds against the works and thoughts of the evil one. Help us oh God, to pray, pray, pray. Help us oh God to focus on your mighty works.

Pray that Satan will be bound both here and there.

In short, if anything good is to come out of this first trip to this unreached people, we must MUST have the prayers of godly people behind us. Would you please forward this blog like crazy? Would you please ask those in your inbox to forward it like crazy? Would you sign up to follow us along the least as much as we can have internet access? Would you commit to pray?
I want to ask each of you to pray for us as we leave Jackson, MS Monday morning at 8 a.m. to make our almost 2 day journey to the southern part of India. Pray for our work there. Pray for the people there.

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