
Monday, April 13, 2009

The Highs and Lows of Spiritual Warfare in the Ministry of the Local Church from a pastor's perspective

It is amazing to me as I look back over my 12 years of ministry to see how God works. It is discouraging and depressing for me to look back over my 12 years of ministry to see how Satan works. I cannot explain it, but both God and Satan seem to work along much the same patterns. It seems as though when God starts moving, and lives start changing, and blessings start falling…well they really fall. On the other hand, it seems that when Satan starts working, and dissention stirs up, and problems start forming…well it goes downhill really fast. The most depressing thing about it all is that when I see God moving in mighty ways, I can't hardly enjoy it because I know, it is just a matter of time before Satan begins to disrupt and destroy. And sadly, it seems that with every step forward in victory, there are often two steps back in defeat.

The evil one comes and snatches away much of the seed that is sown in ministry. It is strange, but ministry is the most rewarding and discouraging thing all at the same time. On one hand you see families restored, souls saved, and lives changed. On the other hand, the world, the flesh, and the devil creep in. One moment you are rejoicing with one, the next minute your heart is shattered by a phone call, an email, or an unpleasant encounter.

I know many of you probably think ministry is a cakewalk…you know…you get paid way too much for working only one day a week. Sure, there is the occasional funeral and wedding along the way, but by in large it is golf, buffet bars, and surfing the web until Sunday, right? Well, I can tell you that I don't know of anything more stressful than the ministry. Pleasing God and pleasing man at the same time is impossible, and sadly most pastors opt for pleasing man…you know…job security.

It has been reported that 90% of pastors work more than 46 hours a week. 75% of pastors report a significant stress related crisis at least once in their ministry. 40% report a serious conflict with a parishioner at least once a month. Most pastors' sense of adequacy and self-worth suffers greatly because of ministry. 50% of pastors feel unable to meet the demands of the job. 70% of pastors say they have a lower self image now than when they started in the ministry. 50% of pastors go to work each day with the feeling that what they do doesn't count. These are the statistics and the effects of the murderer! Jesus said in John 8:44, "He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies." Satan is a murderer and a liar and Satan is at work to steal, kill, and destroy. He is out to destroy our joy, our hope, and our spirit. He is out to hinder everything that we attempt for the kingdom and for the glory of God. Paul wrote in 1 Thess 2:17-18, "We endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire to see you face to face, because we wanted to come to you—I, Paul, again and again—but Satan hindered us." Satan is out to hinder!

He is out to hinder the church staff. He is out to hinder the church members. And he is out to hinder the church. He will not give up! He will not win. The gates of hell will not prevail against Christ's church. Let us stand fast, immovable, and always be abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that our labor is not in vain!

I want to plead with you and challenge you to do three things.

1. Be aware that Satan is at work! God has been changing lives and every time God begins changing lives, Satan gets stirred up. It is just a matter of time. Be on the look-out for his schemes and know that he often uses good people. He comes disguised as an angel of light. He comes to deceive. Please do not let him get a foothold in your life or in the church. Guard your eyes! Guard your ears! Guard your tongues! Guard your minds! Do not let your guard down for a moment! Beware.

2. Please pray for the staff and the pastors of the church. The only pastors that I know of who are unaffected by the stress, trials, and troubles of ministry are the ones who are in it for a paycheck rather than for the kingdom. You have no idea the heartache and heartbreak your pastors suffer behind the scenes. When one of us gets a discouraging or critical call it affects us all. We have been called by God to serve together. We pray together, act together, and stand together. One's victory is a victory for us all. One's heartache, is a heartache for us all. We are a close knit team and we desperately desperately need your prayers. Please pray for our protection from the snares of Satan. Please pray for us to be given wisdom, discernment, leadership, guidance, and direction. Please pray for us without ceasing.

3. Be aware that God is at work. There have been so many people born again over the past several months that it is amazing. There have been believers revived and given a hunger and a thirst for righteousness like never before. Lives are being touched in Rankin County, in Columbus Mississippi, in the Dominican Republic, in Vancouver, Canada, in China, and in India because of how God is working in hearts and lives at Cleary. Were you at Cleary this past Sunday? God is working! How easy it is to let Satan re-direct our attention from praising God, to murmuring and complaining about trivial issues that do not positively impact the kingdom of God. How easy it is to go from praising God for parting the Red Sea, to complaining because there is no meat to go with your manna. Keep your eyes on Christ and do all things without complaining or murmuring.

Be on the look-out for Satan's manipulation! Pray, pray, pray! Keep your eyes on the great works of God in our midst! Let us all keep on pressing towards the prize of the upward calling in Christ Jesus. Let us all keep seeking a move of God that is clearly of God. Hang on! Greater things are yet to come.

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