
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

August News

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

I want to begin this newsletter by, once again, thanking you for your prayers.  More and more each day I realize the absolute necessity of prayer.  Without the prayers of the saints, we are really just spinning our wheels.  So often we get caught up in what we say, what we do, what we give, or what we blog, put on Facebook, Tweet etc. when the real progress is made behind closed doors, in our closet, on our knees.  This is where the real war is fought.  I appeal to you to join me in lifting up the following!

1.  Please pray for our current partners around the world.  You can learn more about them here:

2.  I want to announce the addition of a new partner missionary:  Martin Rizley and his family will be traveling Monday to Spain to serve.  Please pray for them as they travel and as they get situated in a new country and a new culture and environment.  Pray that God would encourage them and use them in their new ministry.  You can learn more about the Rizley’s here: (please let me know if this link fails and I will try again!)

3.  I want to also encourage you to pray for the Tiegreen family as they draw near their departure date for Central Asia.  They still lack some of their funding.  They have 75% of their start up costs raised and 70% of their monthly needs pledged.  Please pray that God would move in the hearts of individual people, Sunday school classes, small groups, and churches to support them in this endeavor.  No amount is too small!  If God were to move you, or someone you know, to support them, you can learn how to do so here:

Above all, please pray that God would meet their needs as they step out in faith to go to a hard region of the world to spread the Gospel.  Hold the rope for them as they go down into the well!

4.  I ask you to please pray for me!  God is working in some amazing ways in the church that we started almost 3 years ago now.  He continues to expand the ministry of Mission Surge both here and around the world.  And He continues to give vision for doing evangelism and personal discipleship here as well as ways to engage the unreached around the globe.  Please pray that God would move the right people to get involved in the trenches!  We will not win the world by witnessing and preaching on Facebook, Twitter, and in the blogosphere.  We must get in the trenches.  Please pray!

Finally, be aware that the address for Mission Surge will be changing in the next week or two.  I will be sending out an email with the new mailing address as soon as possible so that you can make any necessary changes.  The current address will remain active for several months so that there will be plenty of time for everyone to make the transition to the new address.  Since we are 100% volunteer operated, and due to increased work load and increasing numbers of missionaries, we have had to restructure some things to be more efficient.  Please bear with us and please bear us up in prayer.  

Thank you for your faithfulness to give, to share, and to pray.  Please lift these needs before the throne of grace over and over again!  

In Christ,


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