
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Adoniram Judson's Legacy: Part 2

Adoniram Judson was the first foreign missionary sent from America overseas in the early 1800's.  If you have not read part one of his legacy, please do so here.  

Adoniram wrote a list of "rules" or resolutions, much like the resolutions of Jonathan Edwards.  Judson's rules and resolutions might be a bit easier to digest than Edwards' but they are no less potent!  He had an original list and then added some more rules to it a bit later.  I have meshed the two lists together for our purposes in this post.  I would encourage you to read through these rules, meditate upon them, apply them to your own life, and seek to discipline yourself to live by them!

1.  Rise with the sun.

2.  Be diligent in secret prayer, every morning and evening.

3.  Read a certain portion of Burman every day, Sundays excepted.

4.  Have the Scriptures and some devotional book in constant reading.

5.  Read no book in English that has not a devotional tendency.

6.  Never spend a moment in mere idleness.

7.  Restrain natural appetites within the bounds of temperance and purity.  “Keep thyself pure.”

8.  Suppress every emotion of anger and ill will.

9.  Suppress every unclean thought and look.

10.  Undertake nothing from motives of ambition, or love of fame.

11.  Never do that which, at the moment, appears to be displeasing to God.

12.  Seek opportunities of making some sacrifice for the good of others, especially believers, provided the sacrifice is not inconsistent with some duty.

13.  Endeavor to rejoice in every loss and suffering incurred for Christ’s sake and the gospel’s remembering that though, like death, they are not to be willfully incurred, yet, like death, they are great gain.

More from Adoniram Judson to come!  Stay tuned.

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