
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Important April News!

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

Things are moving extremely fast lately!  We continue to acquire new missionaries on the field to partner with (you will be hearing about some of them soon) and are in the process of sending several more missionaries overseas in the coming months (you will hear about them soon as well).  On top of partners on the field and missionaries on their way to the field, the demands of indigenous pastors and church planters continue to grow.  That is the reason for this email.

I have a particular pastor/missionary in the Dominican Republic on my heart that is in need financially, and has been for several years.  He has been praying that he can serve full time, but the funds are just not there.  He is legitimate, well educated, faithful to the Word of God, and faithful to the ministry.  If God would so move your church, your small group, Sunday school class or your family to help support this pastor, please let me know.  It would take approximately $800 USD to support his family and his work each month.  There would also be an opportunity for you to connect with him in the DR and help his ministry by evangelizing alongside him and his church as well as training leaders if you would like to adopt him!  

Please let me know if you are interested in helping support the work of this faithful pastor in the DR by prayer, funding, and feet on the ground.  It would be a blessing to him and to the work in the DR.

I have also just confirmed the desperate need of a Pakistani Christian family stuck in a Southeast Asia Muslim Nation.  They fled to this country for asylum, but have been denied.  Their lives are now being threatened and their only viable option is to return to Pakistan.  However, they must pay fines for he, his wife, and 3 school age daughters before they leave because their Visa's expired.  They must also pay for their plane tickets.  They must pay the fines and leave the country prior to May 31 or the fines will be drastically increased.  If the fines are increased, they will likely never be able to pay them.  An American contact that we currently have in this country has confirmed, as much as we can, the validity of this need.  I plan to follow up with the Pakistani family trough email and Skype.  The total cost of fines and plane tickets are roughly $2700.  If you, or your church, are interested in helping with this pressing need, please contact me and we will discuss the details.

In closing please continue to pray for our partners, Jerry Marcellino and Coram Deo in Italy as they prepare for work in Italy in May.  Also pray for me and two others who will be traveling to East Asia in June.  And, stay connected with what is going on with Mission Surge by following us on twitter and liking us on Facebook etc.  The links are below. 

Thank you for your prayers and support.  

In Christ.

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