
Thursday, December 4, 2014

December News!

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

As we come to the end of another year, I want to update you on what has happened with Mission Surge this year AND share with you some opportunities to consider as we transition to 2015.

In 2014, I was blessed to travel to the Dominican Republic and train 3 groups of Haitian pastors and church planters. I have also been able to complete three major works this year at home.

1.  The Oblivious Film was released in July.  If you have not watched it you can do so at  Please watch and share!  There is also a tract available that goes along with the documentary that is available if you would like to purchase them to pass out as witnessing tools.

2.  Sovereign Love, a booklet on the Sovereignty of God in salvation, will be released by January 1, 2015.  In this book I walk through my own personal struggles with the Sovereignty of God and the conclusions that I discovered in God’s Word.

3.  A Blueprint for Maturing and Making Disciples will be released in the spring of 2015.  This has taken the bulk of my time this year!  The Blueprint is a discipleship study based on 2 Peter 1:5-10 that is intended to help Christians mature and equip them to make disciples of Christ.  The study will be tested with 2 or 3 groups in January, leaders guides and video teaching will be completed, and the work completed in April.  It is my hope and prayer that this work will be used to spur an evangelistic/disciple making network.  Watch an introductory video about Blueprint here:

We also welcomed several new partners in ministry to the Mission Surge team this year.  Refugee Ministries International based in Germany joined the team as they seek to minister to Syrian, Iraqi, and multitudes of other refugees in the refugee camps of Germany.  Coram Deo based in Italy, led by Andrea Artioli, also joined our team.  We also saw the the overseas ministry of Jerry Marcellino from Laurel, MS (ECCI) added to our team.  Jerry just returned from Italy a week ago where he was blessed to teach several hundred people about the holiness of God through the annual Coram Deo conference.  It has been a busy year!

As we celebrate the accomplishments of the past year, we want to look forward to a new year.  I want to ask you to consider the following issues and pray with me about them.

1.  Blueprint groups in January.  I am hoping to begin a Sunday night small group in Jones County, MS to work through the Blueprint for Maturing and Making Disciples.  I would like to begin a Monday night group in Clarke County, MS.  I would also like to begin a Wednesday night group in Clinton, MS to help test-run this study.  If you, or your church would be willing to host one of these groups, please let me know as soon as possible!  Watch an introductory video about Blueprint here:

2.  Volunteers.  Please pray with me that God would raise up volunteers to help with the administrative aspect of Mission Surge.  Currently due to the growing number of administrative needs (website, financial, correspondence etc), I have felt it wise to put my overseas mission work on hold.  I have sensed God redirecting my overseas work away from the Dominican Republic, but I am not sure where at this time.  Before I take on another task overseas, I feel it would be prudent to delegate much of the administrative work to others.  If you are self-motivated, passionate about missions, organized, responsible, godly, and wiling to serve, please let me know!  We are also looking for suggestions for board members as well as potential missionaries that we could help go to the ends of the earth with the gospel.  We hope to have an appellation process for volunteers and potential missionaries available early next year, but if you are interested, don’t wait.  Contact us today!

3.  Mentoring of aspiring preachers/pastors.  I am planning to begin a Tuesday afternoon intensive training for aspiring preachers/pastors in my home in Crystal Springs.  We will meet from 5:30-7.  If you, or someone you know, aspires to preach the Word, and they can make it to Crystal Springs by 5:30 on Tuesdays, please let me know ASAP!  

4.  Open doors to preach, teach, and share.  If you, or your church, could use me for a revival, harvest day, family discipleship conference, missions conference etc., please let me know!  If you would allow me to come share with your church on Sunday night or Wednesday night, please do not hesitate to call!  

5.  Help sharing about the work of Mission Surge.  Please share this newsletter with your email list, Facebook friends, Twitter followers, etc. etc.  Please help us in getting the word out about what we are doing.  The more people that we have praying, the better.

Thank you again for your prayers and for your financial support.  Thank you for taking time to read this newsletter and lift us up.  If we can be of help to you or your church, please do not hesitate to give us a call.  Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Mission Surge.


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