
Monday, May 26, 2014

May Newsletter

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

I want to begin this May edition of the newsletter by thanking you for your faithfulness to pray for our ministry and missionaries as well as for you willingness to give sacrificially to see the work go forward.  I truly covet your prayers!

There are 5 main things that I want to put before you in this newsletter.

 1.  Oblivious:  We finished the actual filming of the material for the Oblivious Documentary two weeks ago and are currently reviewing and editing all of the information together into what will be the completed documentary.  Please pray that the editing process would go smoothly and quickly.  Please pray that the film will open the eyes, ears, and hearts of those in the Bible belt to see the true gospel of Jesus Christ.  Without the power and blessing of God upon this effort, it will all be in vain.  Updates will be coming soon as to release dates and viewing opportunities.

2.  I will be speaking at Audubon Drive Bible Church in Laurel, MS on June 1.  Please pray that God would do a great work in the hearts and lives of the people there.  I also ask you to please please pray that I would have more opportunities to preach revivals, harvest days, missions conferences, and family discipleship conferences.  Please pray that more pastors would open up their pulpits to me on Sunday nights and/or Wednesday nights so that I can share with them what God is doing in and through the work of Mission Surge.

3.  I also ask you to pray for me.  An unexpected trip has become necessary for me in July.  I will be making a dashing trip to the Dominican Republic to meet with our point-man there and discuss the future of our partnership.  This is a critical meeting and will dictate much of our future work there.  I ask you to pray for us both as we seek God’s direction as to the next step.  I will also be preaching in a missions conference in Santo Domingo where several hundred Haitian pastors will be gathered.  

This is a unique opportunity because it is my plan on this trip to travel to Martinique (God willing) to explore the 3400+ Haitians in that country who have no church, no pastor, and no missionary.  According to the International Mission Board, “The Haitian of Martinique have a population of 3,500. They are part of the Afro-Caribbean, Francophone people cluster. The global population of this people group is 11,248,200. Their primary language is Haitian. The primary religion of theHaitian is Roman Catholicism, the world's largest Christian branch. Their GSEC status is 1, which means this people group is less than 2% evangelical, some evangelical resources are available, but there has been no active church planting among them within the past two years.”

I plan to go to Martinique AND call out the Haitian pastors in the Dominican Republic to pray for them, give for them, and go to them.  Pray that God would connect us in Martinique with who we need to be connected with.  Pray that God would call out and raise up a Haitian couple to go to Martinique and begin a church planting effort among the Haitians there.  Pray that God’s will would be done.  

Finally, there are many expenses that are involved in this conference and trip.  If God moves you to give to help, please contact me asap.  Please pray that God would raise up funds to help transport the Haitian pastors into Santo Domingo for the conference.  Pray that God would provide funds for their meals and pray that I would be able to cover my travel expenses to Martinique and Santo Domingo.  Above all, pray that God would work to bring the gospel to the Haitians in Martinique!  

4.  Fourth, I want to invite you to check out our new website.  It is not yet fully complete, but you can still explore most of it without issue. 

Go to and learn who we are, how we operate, what we believe, and about our partnership with Refugee Ministries International, Coram Deo, and ECCI.  Click on the “From the Field” tab or banner.  Please take time to do so and pray for us and our missionaries.

Also, several of you have asked if our paypal account and link is functioning.  Finally, I can say yes!  So you can give online and even choose to do so monthly if God leads.  You can find it all at

5.  Finally, if you have not been keeping up with my blog at please remember that I am posting twice each week quotes and notes from the autobiography of John Paton, missionary to the New Hebrides.  His life is amazing!  I would encourage you to go to the archives and read about him and his work if you have not done so already.

We desperately need God to work.  We are so grateful for your willingness to pray, to give, and to go!  Please pray pray pray!!  And if God is moving you to get involved and go, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  There is a whole world out there!

In Christ,


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