
Monday, July 1, 2013

July Update: Please pray!

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

I want to say thank you so much for your continued prayers for me and for the work of Mission Surge.

Gene Pickern just returned from meeting with many of our pastors and church planters in the Dominican Republic.  We will update you on what is developing there in the near future.  Keep the Dominican work in your prayers.

Also, thank you for praying for me as I preached at Audubon on June 23.  I pray that God spoke in spite of me.  The sermon was entitled “The Great Cost of the Great Commission” and you can listen to it here if you would like: 

I want to thank you for praying for us as we have begun work on the house.  Please continue to pray that God would provide the money, materials, and manpower to get the job done.  He has been faithful thus far.  Virtually all of the demolition work was accomplished this past weekend.  I am feeling it today!! 

This coming weekend I am hoping to remove and support 2 walls, take a trailer load of old sheetrock to the dump, cut the grass, and get the floor down, or at least started.  It will take a miracle.  Please pray for us!

I also want to ask you to pray for 3 very important engagements that are taking place over the next month or so. 

1.  I ask you to pray for me as I have been invited to Tulsa, OK July 18-19 to speak at “The Master Plan for Fatherhood Conference.”  I ask you to pray that God would provide the funds necessary to get there and back.  I can fly as cheap as I can make the drive (or cheaper) and in a fraction of the time (roughly $400).  I am trusting God for the resources to make this happen. Please pray with me that God would provide!  You can learn more about this conference here: 

2.  I also ask you to pray for me as I travel to Walnut Hill Baptist Church in Florida July 28-31 to preach a church revival there.  Pray for me and for them that God would send a great, authentic revival.

3.  Finally, please pray for me as I will be preaching again at Audubon Drive Bible Church in Laurel on August 4.  I am always blessed by the privilege of preaching in this church.  The people are so encouraging and they love the Word.  Please pray that God would speak and move in hearts and lives at Audubon.

Finally, I am virtually always available on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights.  If your church needs a pulpit supply or if you would be willing to allow me to come share about the work of Mission Surge, I would be grateful for the opportunity. 

Thank you so much for your prayers!  If you have any questions about any of the above please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I would love to talk with you. 

In Christ,


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