
Monday, May 27, 2013

On this Memorial Day 2013, I am grateful for those who have willingly given their lives serving this country.  It is indeed a great sacrifice for those serving in our military and their families.  We should remember them today.  But at the same time, it is no secret that the America of 2013 is not the America of 1776.  America has experienced the blessing of God in the past, but for God to bless the America of today would require Him to blatantly disregard His Word and His character.  The question arises, “Are we too far gone as a nation?”  My initial, and unprofessional, response would be “absolutely.”  However, a little history might demand another response. 

Did you know that we have been here before?  At the turn of the 19th century between 1790 and 1835 America was a mess!  Did you know that between 1790 and 1835 colleges had banned the Bible and Christian teaching altogether?  Did you know that colleges were carrying out mock communion services to ridicule Christianity?  Did you know that a common topic of debate on college campuses was whether Christianity had been beneficial or harmful to mankind?  And did you know that THESE WERE ALL CHRISTIAN COLLEGES?  America was a mess!  In fact Chief Justice Marshall (a believer) wrote to Bishop Madison of VA declaring that "the Church was too far gone ever to be redeemed."  Think about that!  In the early 1800’s the Chief Justice declared that the Church in America was too far gone to EVER BE REDEEMED!  But then came the 2cnd Great Awakening and the American church was redeemed.  The modern mission movement was birthed and many souls were brought into the Kingdom of God in America and to the ends of the earth.  I happen to believe that God can awaken our nation again just like he did in the early 1800’s!  He can do it again!  And as crazy as it may sound…I believe He is! 

While long established churches are declining at rapid rates and many of the “churches” that are growing could scarcely be called churches from a biblical standpoint….while approximately 80% of high school graduates walk away from the church upon graduation….while divorces and unwed mothers and fathers are almost as prevalent in the church buildings as in the bars….while many (if not most) church members find their entertainment from the same Hollywood filth as the atheists do and the same secular songs as the heathen do…while all of these obvious facts are telling of our spiritual decline in this nation, under the surface something is brewing.

Under the surface is an awakening!  I am seeing more and more pastors returning to the biblical gospel (many at the price of their positions in the established church).  I am seeing more and more pastors aggressively pursuing a reformation in their churches even at the cost of their reputations (and their pastor appreciation gifts!).  I am seeing more and more fathers turning their hearts towards their children.  I am seeing more and more mothers turning their hearts towards their homes.  I am seeing a peg driven down in young family after young family and in the decades to come, it is my hope and belief that these sacrifices made by these young couples are the seedbed of awakening in this country.  It is my hope and belief that the faithful preaching of the Gospel and efforts of reformation by faithful pastors will be the water that germinates that seedbed! 

I told you in my last blog post/newsletter that I was going to share something exciting.  Well, it may not be exciting to you, but it is evidence of what I am saying here, and it excites me!  While we were on the 4th floor of Baptist Hospital 2 weeks ago having our fifth child, I was so encouraged.  On a hospital floor (that really isn’t that large) during a few days of just 1 week of this year, I encountered 2 brand new families that I immediately recognized. 

It was encouraging to see that a young couple (who I hope and believe has been discipled at least to an extent through my ministry) had delivered their first baby, Estella June, 9 pounds and 11 ounces with a head full of hair.  
As we talked in the hospital they reaffirmed that their intent and goal is to raise her to follow Christ and be passionate for Him. Then, shortly after recognizing them, I discovered that another young couple (who almost were part of our recent church plant) had delivered their first baby as well:  Victoria Faith, 7 pounds 8 ounces.  This young couple will be pouring themselves into raising their little one in the fear and admonition of the Lord as well!  Then we had our little Silas William, 7 pounds 9 ounces.  It is encouraging to see 2 very young couples in the same hospital as us, at the same time as us, with newborns they intend to disciple towards Christ!  Do you not see how amazing this is?  If there are 3 couples (that I know of) in the same hospital on the same days of the same week with the same goals for their children….imagine how many young people God is raising up in hospitals all across the land with new babies and vision and plans to point them to Christ and send them into the harvest in due time!  God is doing a work in this younger generation believe it or not, the fruits of which may not be seen until most of us are dead and gone, yet there will be fruit by God’s grace and it is my prayer that the seed of revival is being planted in these families and others like them.  This is a part of our hope at Mission Surge…to see families impacted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ! 

Thank you for your prayers and for spreading the word about Mission Surge as we seek to impact individuals who impact their families, who impact their churches and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

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