
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Why so many posts about discontentment?

Why so many posts on discontentment?

            Well, to be transparent, it is a constant battle in my life right now.  We sold our home back in July feeling confident that God called us to do so and feeling hopeful that he would provide for us another home within in our meager budget.  It has been 8 months and we are still waiting.  That hopefulness has subsided to say the least.  It is as if God is tarrying and my faith is weakening.  I find myself prone to frustration and struggling with discontentment.  I am seeking to be patient and wait upon the Lord, but it often feels like He is not listening to my prayers, is not answering my call, and is not working in this area of my life.  Discontentment is real and it is sinful. 
            Discontentment is un-Christian.  We profess to live by faith.  Faith is a grace that substantiates things not seen.  Faith looks beyond circumstances and feeds upon promises.  True faith will trust God where it cannot trace Him.  If I am discontented because I do not have all that I want, either my faith is a non-entity, or at best it is but an infant.  It is a weak faith that must have stilts and crutches to support it. 
            Discontentment is sinful because of its roots.  One root of discontentment is pride.  A discontented man is often a proud man.  He thinks himself better than others, and therefore finds fault with God when he is not treated better than or advanced above others.  Discontent is nothing else but the boiling over of pride. Another root of discontentment is envy.  He who envies what his neighbor has is never content with what God gives him.  The envious man looks so much upon the blessings which another enjoys that he cannot see his own mercies, and so continually tortures himself.  More roots of discontentment are covetousness and jealously and distrust.  Discontentment is nothing else but the echo of unbelief.  It is the evidence of weak faith.  In reality, distrust is worse than distress!  Discontentment is sinful because of its roots.
            When I find myself discontent, I often find myself sullen.  Because I do not have what I desire, I get frustrated with God and bitter.  I take my frustrations out on God!  I am quite content to receive mercies from God, but if He crosses me in the least thing, then, through discontent, I grow irritable and impatient, ready to take out my aggressions upon God.  The discontented person thinks everything he does for God is too much, and everything God does for him is too little.  That my friend is evil and that is the battle that is raging in us all.  Can you relate?  And are you at war with your discontentment?  Let us not only strike the plant of discontentment, but let us go to the roots as well:  pride, envy, covetousness, jealousy, and distrust to name a few.  

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