
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Seven Observations from the National Center for Family Integrated Churches Confrence

My family was blessed to be invited by Scott Brown, the director of the National Center for Family Integrated Churches, to attend their annual mega-conference at Ridgecrest, North Carolina last weekend.  The conference this year was entitled, “Gospel Centered Marriages for a Glorious Church.”  I have been studying and following this movement of Family Integrated Churches for only a couple of years and see very clearly their arguments for age integrated discipleship, home education, and fathers shepherding their families to Christ.  I am so encouraged by the movement that we have invited Voddie Baucham, pastor of Grace Family Baptist Church in Houston, TX, to Cleary next weekend to challenge our men, as well as men from around the state and area.  (By the way men…if you have not registered you still have time.  Just click here.)

I am not the pastor of a Family Integrated Church so, while at the conference, I was kind of like an outsider looking in at the product of this model.  I made some observations while there that I would love to share with you in this blog.  I am going to attempt to be as honest and fair as possible as I relate to you the observations I made Thursday, Friday, and Saturday as we attended this conference with 2200 other people.

Observation 1:  I expected to see a bunch of white people and I did.  But what I noticed right away was that there were several minority families present.  It made my heart beat fast to see African American families, Asian families, and Hispanic families present at the conference.  It is exciting to see that this is not a “white’s only” movement and that the movement is picking up speed among minorities. 

Observation 2:  These people believe Psalm 127.  Children are a heritage from the Lord and the fruit of the womb is a reward, not an inconvenience.  Blessed is the man who has his quiver full of children!  Most families at the conference had more than the traditional 0.8 children per family for sure!  But I also noticed that these families were taking James 1:27 seriously.  They were taking their responsibility to care for orphans seriously by doing more than just talking about the need.  Adopted children were seen frequently around the meeting hall.  I saw multiple families that had adopted African American children, Guatemalan children, Ukranian children, and on and on.  What a blessing and encouragement to see a group of people who not only talk about life, but invest in lives.  The FIC movement is definitely a movement of life!

Observation 3:  Beauty!  There were young ladies (teenagers) everywhere and what stood out about all of them was a modest beauty that screamed purity.  Mandy has said on more than one occasion, “It is not necessary to be homely in order to be holy.”  That was proven this past weekend.  In my church and in most churches, the teenage girls dress in such a way that screams promiscuity.  Yes, they are wearing what is popular and in style, but it is what it is and it screams what it screams.  Short shorts, short skirts, strapless, low-cut, halter top in-style clothing seems to  scream promiscuity.  At the conference, the clothing that was worn by the young ladies clearly framed their faces instead of their figures.  The impression conveyed was purity, not promiscuity…beauty, not the cultural beast.

Observation 4:  Age segregation.  Yes, you heard me right.  At an age integrated conference, I saw age segregation.  Fathers were often found in a huddle.  Mothers were often found in a huddle.  Children were often seen rolling down a hill together, and teens were congregating together as well.  This is what I saw as different however…the teens who were huddled together were not discussing foolishness…they were fellowshipping.  Where most of the teenagers that I am familiar with would have been in a corner text messaging, on Facebook, discussing a boy or girl they were attracted to, or the latest reality TV show, these teens were discussing the Word of God, the messages preached, their families, their pasts, their plans, etc.  Yes, there was age segregation, but it was uplifting and encouraging to see that the focus was godly fellowship, not foolishness. 

Observation 5:  Socialization.  So often, one of the criticisms I hear about home education is, “how are your children going to be socialized?”  Well, most people who home educate know what that question really means…“how are your children going to be worldy?”  After all, if they aren’t in public school and mentored by their peers how are they going to know all the ins and outs of Hollywood, popular music, and reality TV?  So, one of the reasons I home educate is to keep my kids from being worldy (socialized).  As I looked around this past weekend what I saw was a group of teens that are much more socialized than most “normal ‘socialized’ teens.”  They could carry on a conversation without saying “like” like 1000 times like every few minutes.  Yes, they could actually carry on adult conversations with adults!   One of the most encouraging times was on Saturday.  I had a lunch meeting, which left Mandy alone with 2 seven year olds, a three year old, and a seven month old in a stroller to go through the cafeteria line for lunch.  It was a challenge for me and her to get the trays filled and to the tables without a disaster.  Saturday, she enters the lunch line without me and is wondering what she is going to do, when a 16 or 17 year old girl sees her, comes along side, helps serve the trays and helps take the trays and the kids to the table.  She then sits with Mandy, helps her with the children, carries on an adult conversation, and then helps her clean off the table after lunch. I don’t care who you are or where you are, that is not a normal 16 or 17 year old girl.  If that is un-socialized, I will take it.  While I admit that there are some families in home education who are not socialized (in the real sense of the word), I am pretty confident they would be that way no matter where they were educated and am pretty confident that the reason they homeschool is because their children and families do not know how to relate in a healthy manner to others.  That type of family gives all home educators a reputation for being dysfunctional socially.  That is just not the case!  The families that I observed at the conference, for the most part, did not home educate because their children can’t relate to others, but because they believe it is their responsibility to raise, educate, and disciple the children God has entrusted to them based on Deut 6.  These families and their children were not socially dysfunctional.  They were very social…just not worldly.

Observation 6:  Health.  Mandy noticed it first, maybe because we were a bit out of place on this issue...but their were very very few overweight people at the conference. Out of 2200 people only a handful would have been considered obese.  Apparently the people that make up this movement are disciplined as individuals...or maybe they just don't eat as much "southern" fried chicken as we do in Mississippi, but an impression was made nonetheless.

Observation 7:  The Gospel.  While this movement is often accused of idolizing the family, I repeatedly heard over and over:  “It is about Christ!  It is about the glory of Christ!  It is for the glory of God and His Gospel!”  These people love their families, protect their families, and disciple their families, but their focus as far as I could tell, is the glory of God and the advance of His kingdom.  I heard over and over again about families bringing the lost into their homes, investing in them, and evangelizing them.  I heard about a church that has 20 men who regularly go out and preach on the street.  These people are evangelistic.  As a matter of fact, the reason this group home educates their children is evangelistic.  That is right!  They have taken note of the fact that we are losing 8 out of 10 of our children who are raised up in evangelical churches.  8 out of every 10 walk away from the church when they graduate high school.  Consider that those who home educate in order to disciple their children retain 9 out of 10, according to Voddie Baucham.  That is right!  9 out of 10 children who are home educated with a focus on discipleship stay.  The reason these families are doing what they are doing is to evangelize and disciple their children.  And almost always, when in public, they will be encountered with questions about how their family is so well ordered and their children are so respectful and obedient etc.  This opens the door for more evangelism. In fact the theme for next year’s mega-conference is “The Fields are White Unto Harvest.”  I plan to go and I don’t think it would be a bad idea for you to check it out as well!

If you want more information on the National Center for Family Integrated Churches you can go to their website at and check it out.  While you may not agree with, or see the argument for everything they are doing, I am convinced you, and your family, will be blessed by looking into the website and the resources that are available through this ministry and its affiliates.  

Until next time…

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Domincan Republic Training Report

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,
We have returned from the training in the Dominican Republic encouraged and excited about the next trip.  We had an average of 35 guys in each training session and they all seemed to be challenged and encouraged.  Ken and Andy made it possible for each one to have a DVD copy of each of the training sessions to carry back to their churches and share.  Because of their hard work, the training will go on and on.  You can go to our Facebook page and check out a few pictures if you would like.  Just click here:

 We also spent a couple of hours talking with one of the pastors that we hope to see sent to an unreached and unengaged people group somewhere in the Americas next year.  The interview went well and progress is being made.  Providence has worked since our last training as well because the man who served as my interpreter was assigned the task of Missions Director for the entire Dominican Baptist Convention.  We shared our visions and spoke of how we could work together to send church planters to the east side of the island (where little to no work is being done), a missionary into Haiti, and next year a pair of missionaries to an unreached people group in Latin America.  It seems as though things may be lining up to touch the world through Mission Surge and the Dominican Republic.  Thank you for being such a vital part!  

Here are some things to pray about.  First, that those God is calling out of the DR will be clearly identified, qualified, and provided for financially and with prayer support.  Second, that the church planters being sent to the east side of the DR will be provided for financially and with prayer support.  Third, that the missionary being sent into Haiti will be provided for financially and with prayer support.  In other words, for the vision to be accomplished, we are going to need a host of prayer warriors and some faithful financial supporters.  Pray for God to accomplish His will in His time.  Finally, begin now praying for the third and final part of the pastor/church planter training that will take place in February in the Dominican. 

Thank you so much for your prayers and your financial support that has made the past 2 training sessions possible.  God has used you to make this training a reality and we believe he is going to use you to carry the Gospel through the DR and to an unreached and unengaged people group somewhere in Central or South America.  Thank you for being a part.  Please spread the word.

In Christ,


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October Mission Surge Update

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

I wanted to remind you and plead with you to be in serious prayer for our upcoming pastor/church planter training in the Dominican Republic October 7-9.  We will be leaving Thursday, October 6 and returning Monday night, October 10.  Please pray for us as we travel, teach, and return. 

We will be training between 40 and 50 men this time.  Each session will be videoed and burned to DVDs on the spot.  Each pastor/church planter will receive a DVD copy of the entire training to carry back to their churches and cell groups.  This will allow the training to take place all over the island!  We will train 40-50 men, but by the time all is said and done we will have trained hundreds, if not thousands, of Dominicans all over the island through the wonder of technology!  Please pray for this training and for the men who will attend this weekend.  We desperately need your prayers.  Please pray!

I also want to ask you to pray for God to give two of these pastors/church planters this weekend a strong desire to invest themselves in foreign missions.  It is our prayer and goal at Mission Surge, next year God willing, to send two Dominicans to an unreached and unengaged people group somewhere in Latin America.  We have two potential candidates identified, and as God leads, we hope to sit down and interview them this time.  Please pray that God will move them according to His will and reveal to us whether they are the right men for the job, where they should be sent, and who they should be sent to.  We hope to see this dream become a reality sometime next year and we would appreciate you praying with us about it.

Next, I want to ask you to pray again concerning our 501c3/non-profit status.  Almost all of the paperwork has been pulled together and signed.  We are literally within a week or two of being ready to file.  Please pray that everything falls into place and that we are approved quickly so that we can focus on other things!

I also want to make you aware of a couple of opportunities that are coming up.  As you know, Mission Surge’s mission is to impact individuals, families, churches, and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  An opportunity for your church to be encouraged and impacted will be taking place October 28-30 at Audubon Drive Bible Church in Laurel, MS.  You can find out more by following this link:

An opportunity for your family to be challenged and impacted will be taking place November 11-12 at Cleary Baptist Church in Florence, MS.  You can find out more by following this link:

Finally, if you have not liked Mission Surge on Facebook or if you are not following us on Twitter, please follow the following links and do so today! 



Thank you so much for your prayers!  Please pray for us as we come to mind and please, spread the word to those who will pray and to those who may be interested in the opportunities mentioned above. 

Thanks again for your faithful prayers.

In Christ,


Thursday, September 15, 2011

September Update

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

I wanted to ask you guys to be in prayer for me concerning 4 things.

1.  Please pray for me as I will be preaching at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in Quitman, MS this Sunday, September 18 through Wednesday September 21.  Please, as I come to mind, pray for me that I would preach with grace and power, with anointing and compassion, and with unction and love.  Pray that the people of Pleasant Hill will have ears to hear, eyes to see, minds to understand, and wills to respond to what they hear.  Pray for an awakening and for revival.  Please pray!

2.  Please pray for our upcoming training in the Dominican Republic October 7-9.  We will be training approximately 40 church planters and pastors in the Dominican, videoing the sessions, burning them onto DVD’s and challenging the pastors to take the training back to their communities, cities, and churches.  The topic of this training is prayer.  We would greatly appreciate your prayers for this.  Gene Pickern, Ken Holm, Andy Dusenberry, and myself will serve as the team.

3.  Please pray that the mounds of paperwork to obtain approval as a non-profit organization will be complete soon.  A CPA in our church (Renee Holm) has graciously agreed to help me wade through it all and the end is finally in sight!  Pray that we will get it complete and get it approved as soon as possible.

4.  Please pray for our men’s conference November 11 and 12!  Part of Mission Surge’s mission is to impact families with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The catalyst to impacting the family is the father.  Dr. Voddie Baucham is coming to challenge men to be the Christians, husbands, fathers, and church members that they should be.  If you have ever heard Dr. Baucham, you know that this is going to be one challenging and valuable weekend.  The conference is going to be held at Cleary Baptist Church.  Please pray that there will be a large number of men register and that God would work in their lives in a mighty way through Dr. Baucham’s teaching.  Please spread the word to all of the men you know!  You can learn more and register at

Thank you so much for your prayers.  It is my hope that as you receive these updates that you do pray for us.  Without God hearing and answering prayer, we are hopeless and hopeless.  He is our source.  He is our strength. He is our hope and help.  Please pray! And please pass this update along to those that you know who may pray for our work!

In Christ,


Thursday, August 4, 2011

August Mission Surge Update

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

It has been some time since I have updated you, and today I wanted to share with you some upcoming opportunities for you to pray with me about.  There are 6 issues to discuss so I will try to be as brief as possible.

First, I will be traveling to Atmore, AL Saturday to lead a Mission Surge Conference at Unity Baptist Church there.  Sunday morning I will be defining the Gospel.  Sunday evening I will be sharing how the Gospel impacts individuals.  Monday night, we will be discussing how the Gospel impacts families.  Tuesday night we will discuss the church and Wednesday night we will conclude with a look at how the Gospel impacts the world.  Please pray for me and Unity Baptist Church now, leading up to Sunday, and as often as we are brought to mind through Wednesday. 

Second, pray for me as I travel to my hometown of Quitman, MS September 18-21 to preach at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church.  This will be primarily an evangelistic series, unless God redirects, and I plead with you to pray for God to open eyes, open ears, and awaken hearts September 18-21!

Third, October 7-9 will be our second Mission Surge Training in the Dominican Republic.  I will be teaching on the necessity of prayer for individuals, the family, the church, and the world.  Ken Holm and Andy Dusenberry will be traveling with me in order to video and duplicate the DVD's of the conference for those in attendance so that they can in turn carry the teaching back into their churches and communities all over the Dominican.  Give thanks to God that two recent and generous donations have virtually covered the entire costs of this training!  Pray that God will provide the funds Ken, Andy, and I need to travel to and from the DR as he always does. 

Fourth, I want to direct you to a new teaching on the Mission Surge Website.  A few months ago, I led a 3 week study on Philip Lancaster’s book, Family Man, Family Leader.  That teaching was recorded here. You can also download the study guides and handouts at

Fifth, you do not want to miss the “Man Up Conference” being held at Cleary Baptist Church November 11-12!  If you are not a “man” then you do not want those men in your life to miss it.  Dr. Voddie Baucham, author of Family Driven Faith, will be coming to challenge men to be the men God has called and commanded them to be.  He will be traveling from Houston Texas to Florence, MS to issue this challenge and YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS IT!  There is limited space available so go to for more information and to register.

Finally, there are a couple of pastors in the Dominican Republic who are facing serious trials at this time.  One in particular has twin daughters who both have just recently suffered with high fevers, his wife just recently suffered from kidney stones, he has been unemployed for some time and has barely been able to put food on the table for his family.  These faithful pastors could use monthly support from the body of Christ to help them provide food for their families and money for travel as they invest themselves in the work of the Gospel.  If you are moved to support one of these pastors monthly, or if you would like to give to further the work of Mission Surge, you can click here to give securely.

Most importantly, we need your prayers.  Please, please pray for the work of Mission Surge as we seek to see individuals, families, churches, and the world impacted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  

Thank you for your prayers and for your support.  Please forward this information to everyone that you will.  Spread the word! 

In Christ,


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May Mission Surge Update

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

We are so grateful for all of your prayers and for your financial support for our Dominican Pastor Training last weekend! We had between 20 and 30 pastors for every session as we taught them the Core Components of the Gospel and how that biblical Gospel should impact their lives, their families, their church, and the world. The men were really challenged. We are so grateful to God for Ken Holm and Drew Dusenberry for sacrificing their time and their finances to travel with me to the Dominican Republic in order to video each session and produce DVD’s of each session for every pastor present at the training. That means that these men will take what they learned back to their churches and Bible studies and re-produce the training there over and over again. The training will continue to spread and go on and on in the Dominican and I am so grateful for your prayers and support. I hope to have some pictures up on the website in the next month or so.

I would ask that you begin now praying for our next training in the DR October 7-9, 2011. In this training we will discuss Gospel driven prayer as individual pastors/leaders, families, churches, and for the world. Please be in prayer for this training and for the needed funds to sponsor these men and enable them to return. It is also my prayer that we will be able to provide each of these 30 or so pastors with a copy of Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology in Spanish when we return in October or at the last training in February. Please pray with us about this.

Finally, please please be in prayer for our upcoming pastor training in Kenya and Uganda. God has been faithful to provide financially for this training and we are believing that he will put it on your hearts to pray fervently for this training.

Please be in prayer for Dr. Paul Young as he goes to teach. Below is a note from him. Please read it and pass it along to everyone that you will…

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to take the time to update everyone on the upcoming trip to train pastors in Kenya and Uganda. The trip is now less than 2 weeks away. We have been in regular contact with Pastor Jacob Lusweti in Eldoret, Kenya. We are expecting about 500 pastors to attend the conference we will be having there. They will be from Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda. After that 5 day conference we will be going into Uganda to do a 2 day conference for the pastors there. We will also be preaching in various churches. Our primary focus will be to teach pastors to prepare biblically solid sermons. Most of these pastors and church leaders have no formal training and no Bible study resources (commentaries, Bible dictionaries, etc.). I have developed a system to teach them to study and prepare sermons that are biblically accurate using only a Bible. The majority of our time will be spent teachig them this method and practicing it with them so that they will be equipped to preach to their churches. We will also be speaking to them about the core convictions and commitments that a pastor must have. Also, we will instruct them on the core components of the gospel. We will be very busy and we ask that you pray for strength for us, as the conference is scheduled to begin less than an hour after our plane lands in Eldoret. Also, pray for God to bless our travel and give us grace with customs officials in each country.

Please pray for myself, Rev. James Washington, Curtis Broadwater, and Patrick Goode as we undertake this exciting work for the kingdom of our great God and Savior.

Dr. Paul Young

Again, thank you for your faithful prayers and support. Please continue to spread the Word about Mission Surge and the work of Mission Surge. Check out the calendar on our website for specific dates so that you can lift up the different events on our schedule specifically.

In Christ,

Dr. A. Kevin Ivy

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mission Surge Update

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

As the date for our Dominican Departure draws nearer, I wanted to share with you a story from one of our key church planters in the Dominican Republic named Miguel and encourage you again to pray for the upcoming Mission Surge training May 6-8.

Miguel received a laptop computer this past December from Mission Surge. With this computer, he has been required to meet periodically (through Skype) with Pastor Gene Pickern (our point man for our DR work). The purpose of these meetings is to keep Gene updated on what Miguel is doing and how things are moving forward with his ministry and work. Not too long ago Miguel told Gene, “Do not call me on Wednesday morning. Leave me alone.” Gene asked him why he should leave him alone on Wednesday mornings. Miguel told him, “I have a Bible study that I am leading with this computer you guys gave me.” What type of Bible study?

It seems that Miguel somehow found some Dominicans all the way across the ocean in Spain. He struck up a conversation with them through Skype and began teaching them the Bible on Wednesday mornings. Through this Bible study one of the Dominicans in Spain came to Christ and just recently flew back to the Dominican to visit family. While there, she located Miguel and he was able to baptize her before she returned to Spain!

This is just one story of how God is working through resources supplied by Mission Surge and through the men that Mission Surge is connected with. Miguel will be attending our training in May and will be brining several of his key leaders with him in order to better equip them to lead Bible studies and potential churches in the near future. Please keep Miguel and the men listed below in your prayers. Pray for us (Gene, Ken, Drew, and myself) as we leave for the DR Thursday morning that God will protect us, keep us healthy, strong, energized, and that we will be Spirit filled. Pray that He will use us to encourage these Dominicans as they continue to reach individuals, their families, their churches and communities, their country, their island, and the ends of the earth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Please keep these guys on your prayer list. Maybe you would be willing to adopt 3 or 4 to continually pray for from now on. Please ask your praying friends to adopt 3 or 4 others and so on. The more people we have fervently praying for these guys, the better. The battle is fought on our knees!

1. Wilfrido Brunache      2. Peggy Joseph

3. Piterson Caryl            4. Marcelina Mañón

5. Danny Ureña             6. Piterson Leger

7. Yvení Leger              8. Roberson Dorival

9. Evens Clermon        10. Sosio Berroa

11. Wilkin                   12. Ibelise

13. Miguel Martich      14. Pastor Ramon Sosa

15. Junior                    16. Yojalver

17. Robert                  18. Hector

19. Robert Ciprian      20. Salvador

21. Jose Ramirez        22. Juan

23. Melvin                  24. Melvin Viernes

25. Narciso                26. Hector

27. Daniel                  28. Joshi

29. Alejandro             30. Daniel

31. Franklin                32. Antonio

I will likely be in touch one more time before we leave the country and hopefully will be able to update you during the training (depending upon time and internet availability). If nothing else, be on the lookout for some pictures and testimonies when we return! Forward this information and spread the word.  If you have not checked out the Mission Surge Website please do so.  Also, if you are not following us on twitter, click here and sign up to follow us now.  Thanks!

In Christ,


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mission Surge Update April 2011

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

Please be in prayer for Mission Surge, May 6-8. Our point man to the DR, Gene Pickern, two computer and media savvy laymen, along with myself will travel to the DR to train 30-40 indigenous pastors, church planters, and potential missionaries. We will teach them the biblical gospel, how that gospel must impact their lives, their families, their churches, and their mission field. They will be given assignments to carry out in order to apply what they have learned and they will be held accountable by us over the next several months. Those that are faithful will be brought back for the second and third training sessions (October 2011 and February 2012).

Our goals in this training are several.
1. To ensure that each church planter thoroughly understands the Gospel (Rom 1:16).
2. To ensure that each church planter has been transformed by the Gospel (2 Cor 5:17).
3. To ensure that each church planter is leading his family (1 Tim 3:4-5).
4. To ensure that each church planter is planting a healthy, biblical church.
5. To ensure that each church planter understands and embraces God’s vision of reaching the lost in their
    communities and to the very ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

I want to ask you to please pray for those of us going on this journey that God would keep us safe, healthy, energized, and spiritually strong!
1. Gene Pickern, pastor of Unity Baptist Church in Atmore, AL and our point man for the Dominican. His
    travel dates are May 2-16.
2. Myself, as I train Friday through Sunday. My travel dates are May 5-9.
3. Ken Holm and Drew Dusenberry as they video and produce DVD’s. Their work will enable those in
    attendance to take the DVD’s of the training home so that they can in turn train others in their churches
    and community. Their travel dates are May 5-9.
4. Please also be in prayer for a team from Cleary who will be coming to the DR on May 9 to work with 2
    of the pastors we train and who will be returning home on May 16.

Finally, pray for the names of the men that we have invited.
1. Wilfrido Brunache
2. Peggy Joseph
3. Piterson Caryl
4. Marcelina Mañón
5. Danny Ureña
6. Piterson Leger
7. Yvení Leger
8. Roberson Dorival
9. Evens Clermon
10. Sosio Berroa
11. Wilkin
12. Ibelise
13. Miguel Martich
14. Pastor Ramon Sosa
15. Junior
16. Yojalver
17. Robert
18. Hector
19. Robert Ciprian
20. Salvador
21. Jose Ramirez
22. Juan
23. Melvin
24. Melvin Viernes
25. Narciso
26. Hector
27. Daniel
28. Joshi
29. Alejandro
30. Daniel
31. Franklin
32. Antonio

All of these men have been invited and sponsored financially by Mission Surge to attend this training because they have shown personal integrity and promise as, either current church leaders, or potential church leaders, planters, and/or missionaries. Please, please pray that these guys will be encouraged, challenged, and revived through this weekend of training!

Thank you so much to those of you who have given to Mission Surge over these past few months! Your gifts have made it possible for men, like those above, to receive training and encouragement that would be impossible normally. It is our prayer that God would bless you for your faithful giving and praying for this ministry. I will be sending out many pictures after we return on May 9, so be on the lookout! Again thank you for your faithful support.

In Christ,
