
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October Mission Surge Update

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

I wanted to remind you and plead with you to be in serious prayer for our upcoming pastor/church planter training in the Dominican Republic October 7-9.  We will be leaving Thursday, October 6 and returning Monday night, October 10.  Please pray for us as we travel, teach, and return. 

We will be training between 40 and 50 men this time.  Each session will be videoed and burned to DVDs on the spot.  Each pastor/church planter will receive a DVD copy of the entire training to carry back to their churches and cell groups.  This will allow the training to take place all over the island!  We will train 40-50 men, but by the time all is said and done we will have trained hundreds, if not thousands, of Dominicans all over the island through the wonder of technology!  Please pray for this training and for the men who will attend this weekend.  We desperately need your prayers.  Please pray!

I also want to ask you to pray for God to give two of these pastors/church planters this weekend a strong desire to invest themselves in foreign missions.  It is our prayer and goal at Mission Surge, next year God willing, to send two Dominicans to an unreached and unengaged people group somewhere in Latin America.  We have two potential candidates identified, and as God leads, we hope to sit down and interview them this time.  Please pray that God will move them according to His will and reveal to us whether they are the right men for the job, where they should be sent, and who they should be sent to.  We hope to see this dream become a reality sometime next year and we would appreciate you praying with us about it.

Next, I want to ask you to pray again concerning our 501c3/non-profit status.  Almost all of the paperwork has been pulled together and signed.  We are literally within a week or two of being ready to file.  Please pray that everything falls into place and that we are approved quickly so that we can focus on other things!

I also want to make you aware of a couple of opportunities that are coming up.  As you know, Mission Surge’s mission is to impact individuals, families, churches, and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  An opportunity for your church to be encouraged and impacted will be taking place October 28-30 at Audubon Drive Bible Church in Laurel, MS.  You can find out more by following this link:

An opportunity for your family to be challenged and impacted will be taking place November 11-12 at Cleary Baptist Church in Florence, MS.  You can find out more by following this link:

Finally, if you have not liked Mission Surge on Facebook or if you are not following us on Twitter, please follow the following links and do so today! 



Thank you so much for your prayers!  Please pray for us as we come to mind and please, spread the word to those who will pray and to those who may be interested in the opportunities mentioned above. 

Thanks again for your faithful prayers.

In Christ,


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