
Monday, January 10, 2011

Exciting Update from Mission Surge

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

I wanted to give you an update on some of the things happening with Mission Surge.

One of our key leaders in the Dominican Republic is a Hattian Pastor name Wilfrido. You can see his picture by clicking here:  Wilfrido

Our Dominican leader here in the states, missionary Gene Pickern communicated with him last week and passed along this report.

Wilfrido updated me on outreach efforts in the following places: Las Ochocientas, La Cuba, Invivienda/Mendosa, Jamaica, and Santa Rosa. Adan and Jenny have accepted responsibility for the work in La Cuba. Peterson and Ivene are leading the group in Invivienda. Wilfrido is working with Junior and Vanessa to revive a work in Jamaica. And Danni and Arelis are working with another couple to lead the work in Santa Rosa. Wilfrido told me that he envisions his role to be training and supporting these leaders to help them go forward with the ministry. He also told me that he plans to visit their Bible study meetings regularly to see for himself how things are going.

Wilfrido also told me last week that there is a group of young men he is working with in Las Ochocientas to have a greater impact in that community. He said these young men are being trained and they are going into the community in the evening to pray with people, share their testimonies, etc. He hopes these young men will eventually start some new Bible studies in the homes of the people to expand the ministry of the church in that community.

Wilfrido also told me that he made some good contacts during his recent trip to Haiti to check on his family, and that some of them are open to receive training for planting churches in Haiti. He wants to go there a couple of times a year to train the people there.

I am encouraged that Adan and Jenny will be leading the work in La Cuba. The Haitians who live there seemed the most open and Adan is ready to take this step of faith. I will be asking Wilfrido to have Adan come to his house soon and talk with us by skype about the work there. I am also encouraged that Wilfrido is taking the role of trainer/equipper with the leaders of the other 3 works.

Next week I have asked him to be ready to talk with me about Acts 1:8 about defining his Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and ends of the earth. Then I will start talking with him about his vision to reach each of those places/peoples and formulating a step by step plan.

Bro. Gene also spoke with another key leader in the Dominican last week: Ramon Sosa. Here is his report from their conversation.

Ramon talked with me about plans in Los Farayones, a poor barrio in between Los Frailes 2 and Brisas del Este. The population there is about the same as Los Frailes 3. That means a bunch of people live there. There are 2 families connected with the church that live there. They are preparing and praying to begin new Bible study groups in this community soon. Pastor Ramon indicated that this would be a good place for a volunteer group to work soon.

The church is also praying about relocating to La Calle Duarte, a main street in the middle of the community that runs the full length from Los Frailes 1 through Los Frailes 2 and Los Frailes 3. This will give the church greater visibility, and a larger building would provide the opportunity for holistic ministries to bless the community such as una guarderĂ­a infantil (a day care for children while their single mothers work), etc..

Also, Ramon asked me for some ideas for materials that his people could use to share the gospel person to person with their families, friends, neighbors, etc. He wants to train as many as possible to present the gospel one on one with the people in the community. He realizes that he needs as many workers as possible in the field to bring in the harvest and wants to give his people the training. I will be making some suggestions for him concerning this.

Conclusion: I think we should pray about sending a group to work in Los Farayones soon. I certainly want to pray about giving Ramon all the encouragement and support possible to help the church enlarge its vision and reach more people.

More exciting news!

Finally, on December 29th a team from Cleary Baptist Church traveled for the 3rd time to an unreached and unengaged Muslim people group in South Asia. The thing that was different about this trip is that they took a Dominican pastor with them! Yojalver, a pastor from the Dominican Republic, who has been sensing a call to missions, traveled with our team to South Asia on December 29th and returned January 7th. He really connected with the Muslim men there and was able to share the gospel with many. God is even possibly opening a door for Yojalver to return to India in the future. One of the Muslim men was realtor who had agreed to, not only find a place for Yojalver to live, but also to help him get settled, and begin a locksmith business in South Asia (which he currently has in the DR). Yojalver has agreed to go through the training that we will be providing in the Dominican over the next year in order to help prepare him to go to the mission field full time. We are praying about Mission Surge financially providing for Yojalver and other Dominican missionaries to go to the ends of the earth.

In other words Mission Surge has the opportunity, not only to train and resource pastors in the Dominican to plant churches in the Dominican, but also to train and resource potential missionaries to plant churches in Haiti, South Asia, and all throughout Latin America. Please, please be in fervent prayer with us that God’s will be done. Also please forward this email to anyone and everyone who you feel may be interested in the work of Mission Surge. You can learn more at

Be on the lookout for more updates as we are beginning to make plans for 2011 training in the DR. I will update you soon.

In Christ,

Kevin Ivy
Pastor, Cleary Baptist Church
Director, Mission Surge
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Phone: 769-218-8458

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