
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Days Three & Four

In this blog, I am covering the work of Friday and Saturday.  There has literally been no time to write.  And when I do find time to write, there is not time to find and connect to internet and post.  Also it is a challenge to determine if the blog posts because the country has blocked access to my blog due to its content.  

We got up again Friday at 7:00 a.m., ate breakfast, and headed out one more time to the Chinese church to teach the third session of 2 Peter and Church planting training to the Vietnamese workers.  

Afterward we went to a ladies apartment to share with a group that meets in her home.  We climbed about four flights of stairs and entered a room about 10 X 15 feet. Approximately 30 people gathered, sat Indian style on the floor and listened to me share for about an hour and a half or two hours.  Question and answers followed until midnight.  One young lady shared her testimony of how the demons that possessed her great grandfather (the shaman in Vietnam) tormented her family for years.  She met Christ here in Souteast Asia, shared with her father back in Vietnam and the whole family came to Christ. 

The demons stopped harassing them and they are currently hoping to plant a church as soon as possible in their home.  

We got back to the room around midnight and got to bed around 1:00 a.m.  

Saturday, October 23

It is now Saturday.  We actually got to sleep past 7:00 a.m.!  We left the hotel at 11:00 a.m., went to eat and shared about the possibility of future work.  Then we traveled about an hour where I preached to an English Speaking Church called  the Lighthouse.  There were approximately 60 Chinese and Indian believers gathered there.  

After a short break the Vietnamese began filtering in.  There were probably around 100 who filtered in from as far away as the Thailand border.  The leaders had them stand up to show which areas of Vietnam were represented.  The South, Central, and Northern parts of Vietnam were all represented.  Several different remote Ethnic groups were also there. 

The realization came to me that in this one service tonight, all of the nation of Vietnam was potentially being impacted.  These people will return home to unreached, unengaged peoples and many will begin house groups in their communities.  Several shared that they have already led their parents, grandparents, and siblings to Christ by phone from here in Southeast Asia.  This work has great potential.  

Pray that the leaders continue to grow in the Word and right methods of witnessing and evangelizing.  

We preached, sung, heard testimony, and prayed until 11:30 p.m.  There were 9 or 10 who professed to follow Christ from the meeting.  After some pictures with those professing faith, we are now on our way back to the hotel and should get there around 12:30 a.m.  We will hopefully be in bed by 1:00 and will have to rise around 5:30 or 6:00 in order to leave the hotel at 7:00 and get to our next stop on the tour.  

I will preach at 9:00 a.m. to another English speaking Chinese congregation and then that evening to more Vietnamese.  These services will be taking place around 8:00 p.m. CST Saturday evening and 3:00 a.m. CST Sunday morning.  

Pray that God will have His way.  It is going to be a short night and a long day tomorrow, then we will have to leave the hotel at 5:30 a.m. Monday morning to get to the airport and head home.  We will likely need 48 hours of unbroken sleep when we finally stop.  

Pray that we will stay alert and focused and rested for the work.  Hopefully I can update the blog one more time before we head for the airport Monday morning to catch our plane at 7:00 a.m. (6 p.m Sunday night CST).  

Pray for us.

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