
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Anyone want to Volunteer?

Some of you may be aware, through Facebook, that a brand new ministry called Mission Surge is in its early stages. The goal of Mission Surge is to clarify the biblical gospel to individuals, encourage fathers to serve as the spiritual leaders of their homes, reform churches, impact communities, and carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth. We have already been privileged to provide 4 families with financial assistance after they were displaced from their homes and village in East Asia. We are also traveling to East Asia next month to teach pastors from a restricted nation the Word and teach them to plant churches in their closed country. We have been blessed with the finances to provide transportation to and from the training as well as resources for training these pastors. In November we will be setting up training and potential support to pastors in Latin America. God continues to open doors at home and abroad.

We are in the process of developing a Mission Surge Website to further explain the mission of Mission Surge and to promote the work of Mission Surge. We need some people to volunteer a couple of hours of their time over the next few days to provide us with some information we need to post on the website to make it more user friendly.

Here is what we need…we need some individuals who would be willing to listen to a few of my old sermons on audio (I know, I know…sorry) and notate every Scripture referenced in the sermon WITH THE TIME that the Scripture is used in the sermon. Then you would email the Scriptures and times used to us so that we can post this info on the Mission Surge website. If you are interested in helping with this project please let me know ASAP and I will give you further detail or put you in contact with the right person. You can email me at Thanks for your willingness to volunteer!

I look forward to hearing from you.

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