
Monday, August 23, 2010

Emergency Need!


In East Asia (I cannot share the exact location online), among an unreached people group, four families of national believers were kicked out of their community. They were forced to leave everything behind (home, clothes, furniture, food etc). They have been displaced and they have nothing. Since they are from a devout Muslim community they have no support or assistance. Since they were the entire church in their community, there are no brothers or sisters in Christ to help them where they are. They need our help!

I want to ask you to pray for these believers. They are totally dependent upon God and they are part of the body of Christ. When one part suffers, we should all feel the pain. Please pray that God would be merciful to these believers and provide for their every need. Also pray that God would use, what looks like a trial, and use it for His glory and for the furtherance of His kingdom.

If you would like to financially assist these national believers, Mission Surge has a contact that knows where each family has been displaced to. He can and will personally deliver the gifts that you provide. Every penny you send will go to these national believers that have been displaced.

Unfortunately, we are so new that we have not had sufficient time to get our Mission Surge website and paypal information completed so that you can donate online. For now, we need you to make your check out to Mission Surge with a memo of "National Believers" and mail it as soon as possible to:

Mission Surge
c/o Cleary Baptist Church
1580 Florence Byram Road
Florence, MS 39073

2 Cor 8:3-4: For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own free will, begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the saints (ESV).

Please spread the word by forwarding, facebooking, and spreading this need by word of mouth. Spread the word and pray for these families!  You can also help by clicking here and keep up with what is going on at Mission Surge.  Also be on the lookout for


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