
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Identity of a Killer

I want to write about something that is killing, and yes I mean KILLING our country, our churches, our families, and we as individuals. I want to reveal the identity of a real killer. This is really a recent revelation, but one that is true. It is one of those things that make you want to kick yourself because you can't understand how you could never have seen it before. The thing that I believe is killing us may surprise you. It is none other than discontentment. But it is not that simple. The discontentment that is killing us is a discontentment that is planted and driven by television and cinema.

The examples I could give are absolutely endless, but I will share with you a few that may hit home.

Television and cinema drive discontentment in husbands. On the television, he sees Victoria's Secret models, Hollywood actresses, and women who have had multiple surgeries (and sometimes drugs) in order to achieve what "our society" defines as the "perfect body." (By the way, there are seasons in history where our models today would be repulsive) He then becomes discontent with his wife, his eyes begin to wander, and then his heart begins to wander, and his marriage falls apart, if not in court, in reality.

Television and cinema drive discontentment in wives. On the movie screen she sees handsome men who are hopelessly romantic and say everything right all the time. He is always right on time with the right things and the right words. He seems to be a hero in the home, at work, and yes, even in bed. She then looks at her husband who is kicked back in the recliner, pot belly, balding head, and a hint of body odor and wonders…what did I do? What she doesn't realize is the guy in the movie she just watched is as big of a slob as her husband, if not bigger, and on top of that he is not nearly as loyal, faithful, or wonderful as he appears on the movie screen. It is hard to remember that this is why they are called actors.

Television and cinema drive discontentment in youth. They go watch a movie together and then they simply must have what they see in the movie. After all, if the people on the big screen had little sporty cars with big loud pipes, shouldn't we? If the kids on TV got drunk, smoked pot, spent the night in promiscuity and got away with it, couldn't we? Teens see a movie and the movie dictates for them how they should dress, what they should drive, how they should brush their hair, and how they should live...and that usually costs money...imagine that.

Television and cinema drive discontentment in children. They watch a program where children are portrayed as having a room 30 feet by 60 feet filled with an indoor playground and $10,000 worth of computer equipment and they wonder why they only have bunk beds and a basketball. After all if ______ on TV has it, why can't I? The kids in the commercial seemed to be having a good time. Do you get my drift? Many of us live in homes where husbands, wives, and children are all discontent and the only reason they are all still under one roof is due to necessity. They don't even like each other anymore.

It even applies to churches. People turn on the television and there, portrayed on the screen before them, is a mega church with the best lights, the best band, the best worship, the best pastor, the best children's ministry, the best student ministry, and the biggest budget. After all they even have a single's ministry, a private school, and a McDonald's right next to the bookstore in the foyer. All we have is….well… Then we get discontent, move down the road, and spend our lives looking for First Baptist Six Flags Over Jesus Church rather than plugging in and serving where God has placed us.

Do you get my drift? Discontentment is killing us! It is killing our joy! It is killing our marriages! It is killing our families! It is killing our churches! And to be honest, most of the discontentment comes from the television set and the movie screen….sometimes radio as well. We need to learn to guard against discontentment. Hear the Word of God.

2 Cor 12:10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Phil 4:11 Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content

1 Tim 6:8 But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content

Heb 13:5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have

How desperately we need to guard against discontentment. That may mean no more movies. That may mean no more television. That may simply mean a good old fashion reality check and a push out of fantasy land into the real world.

I believe if we worked as hard at our marriages and our families as we do at keeping up with American Idol or the latest movie or sport we would see a difference that would rejuvenate and revive our spouses, our children, our churches, and ourselves. Fight discontentment. Flee it. Live your life and live it the fullest…and you can't do that trying to live someone else's life, even if they are a Hollyweird actor. Let us be content and "give thanks with a grateful heart" for all the people and possessions God HAS blessed us with instead of wasting our lives pursuing what He never intended for us to have.

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