Dear Friends of Mission Surge,
I wanted to send you a brief email asking you to pray concerning a few things.
1. Please pray for our partner missionaries, especially the Tiegreen’s as they are still striving to raise funds in order to serve as full time missionaries in Central Asia and the Johnson’s who are having trouble getting their Visas so that they can return to their work in Indonesia. Please lift up Refugee Ministries International as well as we have a team leaving Providence this weekend to go work in the refugee camps.
You can read about all of our partners here:
Lift them up in prayer and be on the lookout for some new missionary partners in the near future.
2. Please pray for me as I seek to lead Mission Surge through some needed structural changes. I need wisdom and insight in the best way to go about this and the best way to make necessary changes.
3. Please pray for a pastor-friend in the Dominican Republic, Roman Sosa. He sent me a message this morning asking for prayer for Santo Domingo, because they only have enough water to last the city another 35 days! Please pray for rain to fall in the right areas of the DR.
4. Please consider financially supporting a worthy pastor in the Dominican and/or a worthy pastor in South Asia. If your Sunday school class, WMU, church, or small group is interested in helping with either of these men’s support, please message me and I will give you more details. $800 a month would fully support one of them. $1600 a month would fully support both.
Finally, if you are not following Mission Surge on Twitter and Facebook, please do so now! New news and opportunities are on the horizon and, if you are getting your updates from my personal Facebook page, you will not be able to do so much longer. Please like and follow at the pages below now.
Thanks for praying and giving to support the work of this ministry!
In Christ,