
Thursday, August 4, 2011

August Mission Surge Update

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

It has been some time since I have updated you, and today I wanted to share with you some upcoming opportunities for you to pray with me about.  There are 6 issues to discuss so I will try to be as brief as possible.

First, I will be traveling to Atmore, AL Saturday to lead a Mission Surge Conference at Unity Baptist Church there.  Sunday morning I will be defining the Gospel.  Sunday evening I will be sharing how the Gospel impacts individuals.  Monday night, we will be discussing how the Gospel impacts families.  Tuesday night we will discuss the church and Wednesday night we will conclude with a look at how the Gospel impacts the world.  Please pray for me and Unity Baptist Church now, leading up to Sunday, and as often as we are brought to mind through Wednesday. 

Second, pray for me as I travel to my hometown of Quitman, MS September 18-21 to preach at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church.  This will be primarily an evangelistic series, unless God redirects, and I plead with you to pray for God to open eyes, open ears, and awaken hearts September 18-21!

Third, October 7-9 will be our second Mission Surge Training in the Dominican Republic.  I will be teaching on the necessity of prayer for individuals, the family, the church, and the world.  Ken Holm and Andy Dusenberry will be traveling with me in order to video and duplicate the DVD's of the conference for those in attendance so that they can in turn carry the teaching back into their churches and communities all over the Dominican.  Give thanks to God that two recent and generous donations have virtually covered the entire costs of this training!  Pray that God will provide the funds Ken, Andy, and I need to travel to and from the DR as he always does. 

Fourth, I want to direct you to a new teaching on the Mission Surge Website.  A few months ago, I led a 3 week study on Philip Lancaster’s book, Family Man, Family Leader.  That teaching was recorded here. You can also download the study guides and handouts at

Fifth, you do not want to miss the “Man Up Conference” being held at Cleary Baptist Church November 11-12!  If you are not a “man” then you do not want those men in your life to miss it.  Dr. Voddie Baucham, author of Family Driven Faith, will be coming to challenge men to be the men God has called and commanded them to be.  He will be traveling from Houston Texas to Florence, MS to issue this challenge and YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS IT!  There is limited space available so go to for more information and to register.

Finally, there are a couple of pastors in the Dominican Republic who are facing serious trials at this time.  One in particular has twin daughters who both have just recently suffered with high fevers, his wife just recently suffered from kidney stones, he has been unemployed for some time and has barely been able to put food on the table for his family.  These faithful pastors could use monthly support from the body of Christ to help them provide food for their families and money for travel as they invest themselves in the work of the Gospel.  If you are moved to support one of these pastors monthly, or if you would like to give to further the work of Mission Surge, you can click here to give securely.

Most importantly, we need your prayers.  Please, please pray for the work of Mission Surge as we seek to see individuals, families, churches, and the world impacted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  

Thank you for your prayers and for your support.  Please forward this information to everyone that you will.  Spread the word! 

In Christ,
