
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mission Surge Update

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

As the date for our Dominican Departure draws nearer, I wanted to share with you a story from one of our key church planters in the Dominican Republic named Miguel and encourage you again to pray for the upcoming Mission Surge training May 6-8.

Miguel received a laptop computer this past December from Mission Surge. With this computer, he has been required to meet periodically (through Skype) with Pastor Gene Pickern (our point man for our DR work). The purpose of these meetings is to keep Gene updated on what Miguel is doing and how things are moving forward with his ministry and work. Not too long ago Miguel told Gene, “Do not call me on Wednesday morning. Leave me alone.” Gene asked him why he should leave him alone on Wednesday mornings. Miguel told him, “I have a Bible study that I am leading with this computer you guys gave me.” What type of Bible study?

It seems that Miguel somehow found some Dominicans all the way across the ocean in Spain. He struck up a conversation with them through Skype and began teaching them the Bible on Wednesday mornings. Through this Bible study one of the Dominicans in Spain came to Christ and just recently flew back to the Dominican to visit family. While there, she located Miguel and he was able to baptize her before she returned to Spain!

This is just one story of how God is working through resources supplied by Mission Surge and through the men that Mission Surge is connected with. Miguel will be attending our training in May and will be brining several of his key leaders with him in order to better equip them to lead Bible studies and potential churches in the near future. Please keep Miguel and the men listed below in your prayers. Pray for us (Gene, Ken, Drew, and myself) as we leave for the DR Thursday morning that God will protect us, keep us healthy, strong, energized, and that we will be Spirit filled. Pray that He will use us to encourage these Dominicans as they continue to reach individuals, their families, their churches and communities, their country, their island, and the ends of the earth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Please keep these guys on your prayer list. Maybe you would be willing to adopt 3 or 4 to continually pray for from now on. Please ask your praying friends to adopt 3 or 4 others and so on. The more people we have fervently praying for these guys, the better. The battle is fought on our knees!

1. Wilfrido Brunache      2. Peggy Joseph

3. Piterson Caryl            4. Marcelina Mañón

5. Danny Ureña             6. Piterson Leger

7. Yvení Leger              8. Roberson Dorival

9. Evens Clermon        10. Sosio Berroa

11. Wilkin                   12. Ibelise

13. Miguel Martich      14. Pastor Ramon Sosa

15. Junior                    16. Yojalver

17. Robert                  18. Hector

19. Robert Ciprian      20. Salvador

21. Jose Ramirez        22. Juan

23. Melvin                  24. Melvin Viernes

25. Narciso                26. Hector

27. Daniel                  28. Joshi

29. Alejandro             30. Daniel

31. Franklin                32. Antonio

I will likely be in touch one more time before we leave the country and hopefully will be able to update you during the training (depending upon time and internet availability). If nothing else, be on the lookout for some pictures and testimonies when we return! Forward this information and spread the word.  If you have not checked out the Mission Surge Website please do so.  Also, if you are not following us on twitter, click here and sign up to follow us now.  Thanks!

In Christ,


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mission Surge Update April 2011

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

Please be in prayer for Mission Surge, May 6-8. Our point man to the DR, Gene Pickern, two computer and media savvy laymen, along with myself will travel to the DR to train 30-40 indigenous pastors, church planters, and potential missionaries. We will teach them the biblical gospel, how that gospel must impact their lives, their families, their churches, and their mission field. They will be given assignments to carry out in order to apply what they have learned and they will be held accountable by us over the next several months. Those that are faithful will be brought back for the second and third training sessions (October 2011 and February 2012).

Our goals in this training are several.
1. To ensure that each church planter thoroughly understands the Gospel (Rom 1:16).
2. To ensure that each church planter has been transformed by the Gospel (2 Cor 5:17).
3. To ensure that each church planter is leading his family (1 Tim 3:4-5).
4. To ensure that each church planter is planting a healthy, biblical church.
5. To ensure that each church planter understands and embraces God’s vision of reaching the lost in their
    communities and to the very ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

I want to ask you to please pray for those of us going on this journey that God would keep us safe, healthy, energized, and spiritually strong!
1. Gene Pickern, pastor of Unity Baptist Church in Atmore, AL and our point man for the Dominican. His
    travel dates are May 2-16.
2. Myself, as I train Friday through Sunday. My travel dates are May 5-9.
3. Ken Holm and Drew Dusenberry as they video and produce DVD’s. Their work will enable those in
    attendance to take the DVD’s of the training home so that they can in turn train others in their churches
    and community. Their travel dates are May 5-9.
4. Please also be in prayer for a team from Cleary who will be coming to the DR on May 9 to work with 2
    of the pastors we train and who will be returning home on May 16.

Finally, pray for the names of the men that we have invited.
1. Wilfrido Brunache
2. Peggy Joseph
3. Piterson Caryl
4. Marcelina Mañón
5. Danny Ureña
6. Piterson Leger
7. Yvení Leger
8. Roberson Dorival
9. Evens Clermon
10. Sosio Berroa
11. Wilkin
12. Ibelise
13. Miguel Martich
14. Pastor Ramon Sosa
15. Junior
16. Yojalver
17. Robert
18. Hector
19. Robert Ciprian
20. Salvador
21. Jose Ramirez
22. Juan
23. Melvin
24. Melvin Viernes
25. Narciso
26. Hector
27. Daniel
28. Joshi
29. Alejandro
30. Daniel
31. Franklin
32. Antonio

All of these men have been invited and sponsored financially by Mission Surge to attend this training because they have shown personal integrity and promise as, either current church leaders, or potential church leaders, planters, and/or missionaries. Please, please pray that these guys will be encouraged, challenged, and revived through this weekend of training!

Thank you so much to those of you who have given to Mission Surge over these past few months! Your gifts have made it possible for men, like those above, to receive training and encouragement that would be impossible normally. It is our prayer that God would bless you for your faithful giving and praying for this ministry. I will be sending out many pictures after we return on May 9, so be on the lookout! Again thank you for your faithful support.

In Christ,
