
Monday, February 28, 2011

Mission Surge Update Feb 2011

Thank you so much for lifting our recent meeting concerning ongoing work in the Dominican Republic through Mission Surge. I want to give you the latest news.

First, in case you haven’t noticed Mission Surge has shifted its focus to the Dominican Republic. Of course we are still working in Southeast Asia, Kenya, and other areas as God opens doors but the focus of our finances and energy is in the DR. Here is why...

1. In the DR we have a number of church planters and pastors that are needy and un-trained who are already doing a good job planting churches all throughout the DR and into Haiti. These pastors could be more effective if they had proper training and adequate resources to minister with. The signs of a church planting movement can be seen in the DR and we cannot miss the opportunity to help ensure that the churches planted are biblical, healthy, and strong.

2. We also have a number of Dominican young men who feel called to foreign missions. These young men simply need training and support to go. They can go to virtually any unreached and unengaged people group in Latin America for a fraction of the cost of an American missionary. Furthermore they already know the language and often are familiar with the culture.

3. The Mission Surge board has decided that we should focus our efforts in one area until we get the work established and rolling. While our focus is shifting primarily to the Dominican, we are not excluding the other areas of the world.

God has opened a wide door in the DR. We are trying to take one step at a time as He leads. Our next step in the Dominican will take place May 6-8. Missionary Gene Pickern, myself, and two laymen will travel to the DR to train 30-40 indigenous pastors, church planters, and potential missionaries. We will teach them the biblical gospel, how that gospel must impacts their lives, their families, their churches, and their mission field. They will be given assignments to carry out to apply what they have learned and will be held accountable. Those that are faithful will be brought back for the second and third training sessions this year. The cost to carry out this training will be approximately $1500-$2000. We are praying that God would provide the needed funds to conduct this work effectively.

Update from Ramon Sosa February 24, 2011

Mission Surge will be in the Dominican Republic May 6-9 for the purpose of training Dominican church planters and potential missionaries. Ramon will be leading one of the Bible studies at this training. Ramon also reported that he has two members of the church who have the vision to start new works that he will be inviting to the May training.

Ramon and his church have begun preparing the way for a new Bible Study in Farolloness. Faralloness is a community between Los Frailes and Brisas del Este. It is a very poor neighborhood. Ramon’s church is also working in another area called Los Frailes 3.

Though Ramon is a faithful pastor, he is without a permanent job and his church cannot support him or his family financially. He is looking hard, but employment is very difficult to come by in the DR at this time. He is using his personal car as a taxi just to keep his rent paid and to put food on the table. He says he knows this will not provide for his family on a permanent basis and he is struggling financially. Please pray that God will provide a job for him, and in the mean time, pray that God will provide food for him, his wife, and his six year old twin daughters.

Mission Surge is praying about helping support Ramon financially so that he can focus his energy on the mission rather than surviving. We are praying for the monthly funds ($500 a month) to do this. Please pray with us about this need.

Update from Wilfrido Brunache

Another faithful pastor who is also struggling financially is Wilfrido. You have heard from him over the past few months through our updates, but the power has been down. We do know that he is struggling to put food on his table as well. Mission Surge is praying about helping support Wilfrido financially as well so that he can focus his energy on the mission rather than on simply surviving. He also will be key to our training in May. We are praying for the monthly funds ($300 a month) to do this. Please pray with us about this need.

Update from Miguel Martich February 24, 2011

This is the first report you have received from Miguel. Miguel is working with 5 new groups in San Cristobal. One meets on Sunday. Another meets on Thursdays. And he has 3 groups meeting on Saturday—one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one at night. He baptized two new believers last week, and will baptize Wilkin tomorrow morning (Fri. Feb. 25, 2011). Miguel is excited about Jesus and faithful in the work. One of these works (in Esmeralda) is already functioning as a church, and members of this work have been instrumental in starting the other four in the communities where they live or where they have friends or family. The four new groups are in various stages of development.

Miguel has committed to meet through skype with our Gene Pickern, our point man for the DR on Tuesday nights. These younger church planters are not concerned about buying land and building buildings. They are concerned with reaching the lost and it is the hope and prayer of Mission Surge that they will be the source of a future harvest in the DR, future churches in the DR, and possible Dominican missionaries to other countries.

Please Pray

Please pray for our training in May and that God will move His people to provide financially for this training. Please pray as well as the financial needs of Ramon and Wilfrido to be met by monthly supporters very soon. Also keep Dr. Paul Young in your prayers as he continues to prepare and plan for the pastor training in Kenya to take place in June. Pray that God will raise up support through Mission Surge so that we will be able to fully fund this event. Continue to pray for our non-profit status to be approved very soon. Thank you for your prayers.

Please forward this as you feel led and if you are not on our email list and you want to be, shoot me an email at and I will add you!

In Christ,


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feb 2011 Mission Surge Update

Dear Friends of Mission Surge,

I would ask you to please be in prayer about the following things.

I. The Dominican Republic

Please be in prayer for Ministerio VisiĆ³n Emmanuel, a ministry that is led by one of our Dominican church planters and pastors. This year this ministry will be focusing on 4 rural areas of Santo Domingo and Haiti.

1. La Cuba

We have already started two bible studies in La Cuba. Last week we had a great opportunity to share the Gospel with a local witchcraft-man. This man allowed us to visit his Church of Satan and Wilfrido had the opportunity to share his personal testimony with him. The witchcraft-man knows that he is under Satan's chains and he reconized that only Jesus can set him free. Pray for the Lord to give us His power while we are testifying His Word and greatness. Please pray that the Lord would break the evil that reigns in La Cuba.

2. Invivienda

We have a new church plant in the DR that is slowly growing. Please pray for the members to grow deep in their faith and that many in this neighborhood would come to know Jesus as their Savior.

3. Santa Rosa

Please pray for this poor neighborhood. Pray that God would raise up workers to work in this neighborhood, planting the seeds of the gospel. Pray that many would respond to the truth and that a new church plant would spring up in this neighborhood this year.

4. Jamiaca

Pray for Jamiaca, another poor neighborhood in Santo Domingo. Please pray that the Lord would call out "people of peace" in the neighborhood that will open their homes to begin weekly Bible studies. Pray that many would come to know Jesus as their Savior this year in Jamiaca.

5. Pray for our church planter/missionary training coming up in May (tentatively) and a mission trip that is
scheduled for May 9-16 to help advance the work of Ramon Sosa and Wilfrido (two of our key church

II. Kenya

Airline tickets have already been purchased for the four men who will be going to Kenya, May 30-June 10. Dr. Paul Young who is the chairman of our board of directors will be teaching approximately 400 pastors in Kenya how to properly read, interpret, and teach the Scriptures. Please be in prayer for this trip.

1. Pray for funds ( a minimum of $1500) to help feed and house the Kenyan pastors who are traveling to the conference.

2. Pray for Bibles. There will be about 120 pastors from Uganda who do not have Bibles. Mission Surge plans to purchase these pastors Swahili Bibles in Kenya. They are approximately $9 each. For 120 we will need approximately $1080.

3. Pray for the four men who are going. Mission Surge would love to be able to help these men with the cost of their trip, especially Dr. Young. Pray for God to raise up help for them from their personal friends and through Mission Surge.

III. Southeast Asia

Please continue to pray for our Vietnamese church planters who are being trained in Southeast Asia. Also, be in prayer for our missionary on the ground there, who will be coming in August to personally share about the work with the Vietnamese.

IV. India

Please pray for a pastor connection we have in India. He desperately needs to raise $20,000 to provide the land for his orphanage or the government will shut him down and the boys he houses will be sent to Muslim orphanages that are approved by the Muslim government there. If his orphanage does not comply with the land and space requirements, it will be closed. We are praying that, if it is God’s will for him to relocate, the money will be raised. Pray with us about this.

V. Opportunities

Finally, please pray for opportunities to share about and raise awareness of Mission Surge. We will be at Audobon Drive Bible Church in Laurel, MS March 4-6, Union Baptist Church in Brookhaven March 26-30, and Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in Quitman, MS September 18-21. If you know of a church that would allow us to come and share about the work of Mission Surge, or who would be interested in hosting a conference on the Gospel, the Family, the Church, or the Mission please let us know ASAP.

I know this is a lengthy email, but we desperately need your prayers. Please, please take time to forward this update to everyone that you possibly can. Spread the word. If you have received this as a forward and you would like to be added to the contact list, just email me your name and address and I will add you to the list.

Thanks for praying for us.